TREK is a Bible Club for children where our goal is to have Truth Reaching Every Kid.

TREK was created to help each child who comes through WOLC’s doors reach the Kingdom of Heaven by believing Jesus Christ and accepting Him in their hearts.

We will teach them how to navigate through the Bible, God’s Holy Word, to help them on their journey. Typically we use the NIV (New International Version) of the bible, however, the NIV translation is not required.

Class Breakdown

We have classes for children who are age 3 and potty-trained through 6th Grade.

The Trekkers are placed in 4 groups based upon their age/grade level of the current year. Trekkers will go have a time of worship, lesson, activity, and book time each night. Each group will move to each part of the schedule as outlined in our Time Schedule.

The breakdown of groups is as follows:

  • Climbers: 3 years through Pre-Kindergarten

  • Explorers: Kindergarten and 1st Grade

  • Seekers: 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade

  • Voyagers: 4th through 6th Grade

Dinner is served

Each week our gracious kitchen helpers provide a small dinner to those families who didn’t have time to grab a meal at home before TREK. Feel free to arrive between 6:00-6:20 to be served dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Your child(ren) can then go right over to the TREK program at 6:30PM, which begins in the sanctuary, when they are finished eating. Parents/guardians must remain with the trekker until the trekker is signed in at 6:30PM.

Arrival Time

Our evening begins at 6:30 PM. It is vital that your child not be dropped off at the church early, unless they are eating dinner (6:00-6:25PM) so we can ensure there is enough staffing to keep your child(ren) safe. However, they should remain with parents/guardians until the start of TREK at 6:30 PM and must be signed in prior to parents/guardians leaving.

TREK Lesson & Field Guide

All materials needed for TREK are at no cost. Each trekker will have a grade appropriate activity book referred to as their field guide that is kept with their leader. Each lesson will have a work activity to be completed during their exploration time. Trekkers will recite the memory verse, if able, to the verse listener. A verse ring book will be sent home with each trekker. In order to get the best possible results, it is important that the trekker practice the verse all week and come prepared to repeat it the following TREK.

Bibles – God’s Holy Word:

we will be using a bible each TREK night. If your child is in need of a bible, please speak to their leader. Bibles are also available in the library and are at no cost should your trekker need one of their own.

Dismissal & Sign Out:

Our evening ends at 8:05 PM. Children are to be picked up by parents/guardians (and not older siblings). Trekkers will be dismissed in the Fellowship Hall. Once your trekker(s) is signed out, please exit the Fellowship Hall so other parents may collect their children. Again, this is to ensure the safety of all children. No exceptions will be made. Children will not be permitted to leave the church building unattended.